
Hello, and welcome to the iFood security blog ;)

We are the iFood Cybersec team, and for those who might not have a great understanding of what that is, we can rapidly summarise it by explaining that iFood is a different type of company with unique work culture, requiring a special team to tackle security. We pioneer new security frontiers on the cloud, application, mobile, edge, incident response, engineering, offensive, content protection, and research. Our team of stunning cyber security engineers builds and protects the systems that delight over 25 million customers in Latin America.

With all that in mind, we aspire to take the company's values and expand them to society by spreading Cybersecurity culture. It includes sharing projects and techniques utilized in our production environment, broadcasting new tools, contributing to the open source community, and promoting good practices.

Our first step toward this goal is promoting the iFood Databunker in an AWS Event. iFood Databunker is an in-house solution -- Note: we DO have plans to open source it soon ;) -- that delivers backup and data from iFood core services to an AWS account with stricter security policies and limited access. It also guarantees data integrity and security, such as checking if files weren't infected or encrypted or infected by malware. The talk will be presented by André Osti and Erick Lemos. It will occur on august 4th, at 3 p.m., stage 6. For more information, go to this link.

Moreover, we will provide this blog with tons of future posts, full of information, in the best way we can. You'll be able to access them knowing that we will pour maximum effort to make a difference in the community that has already helped us so much in the journey to build the fantastic team we are today! Also, it will be an absolute pleasure to answer questions you may have along the way if it is in our range of expertise -- reach us at security@ifood.com.br!

So, stay tuned for future posts, we’ll see you soon!

iFood Cybersec Team.